Sunday 9 June 2013

Northern Rough-winged Swallow

For the past half hour, I've been going through the most recent pictures that I have taken. I just figured out that I saw a Northern Rough-winged Swallow last week when I saw all the Tree, Bank and Barn Swallows. Now I just need a picture of a Cliff Swallow and to find a Purple Martin.....

1) Rough-winged 2) Barn 3) Bank 4) Tree


  1. Seems like your last photo might be a Purple Martin. The angle of the photo isn't great, but there aren't any swallows with that combo of breast/belly colour and head (/presumed back) colour, except Purple Martin. Tree Swallows in all age classes have a bright, white breast/belly, so it's at least not a Tree Swallow.

  2. Thank you for this comment as well Kellie! I've never seen a Purple Martin so that would be great if thats what it is! I'm going to post it on and see what the members there think as well. I took my class (I'm a teacher) to the Fish Hatchery in Kingsclear and there were a number of swallows around. I have family close to there so it makes me want to head back there and see if any are still there!
